Thursday, May 27, 2010

Seno Betsey!!!

Today was another day at the primary school in Santa Catarina. It went well, though today was the first day that I really did things on my own. My cooperating teacher had to speak to the principal for an hour (!) about upcoming events with the big group who are volunteering with CommonHope. They will be painting the entire exterior of the school, with the help of the sixth graders, and doing many activities with the younger children during the school day on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Because my cooperating teacher was busy, she quickly explained what the plan was for the day, taught me a cute song about a little worm, and then sent me on my way.

I had a class of 24 5 year olds, 16 3 year olds, and ~20 4 year olds (all separate classrooms). I read a book about a boy who is traveling to the city and then had the students help me with the sounds each mode of transportation uses. After, I asked some comprehension questions about the plot, and then we made an art project where I gave them squares, triangles, rectangles, and circles to make cars, buses, planes, and other creatives modes of transportation. only problem, I didn't know the word for 'wheel'! I talked my way around that one, and the kids seemed to enjoy it. There was lots of yelling "Seno Betsey!" (teacher betsey!) but pronounced comes out more like Vetsy, Vetchy, or just Seno. I was kinda scared to be the only one in charge, but it was really fun and I think i improved my ability to understand little kid voices in spanish whispering about how they want the purple square, not the orange one :)

On the way home from school, I picked up a snack- Strawberry ice pop thingy for like 75 cents.

(also included: a cool door knocker).

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