Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Justin Bieber and Condoms

Thought provoking title anyone? Justin Bieber and condoms sums up my night last night. read before you judge. it takes 8 years to be a judge.

My life is now complete. Justin Bieber is played on Guatemalan radio :) Just when I thought i was getting over being homesick, they play his lovydovy gooey 12 year old songs. It reminded me of how much spill over American Culture has in Guatemalan life. It certainly isn´t as much as what I encountered in México, but fragments of american culture are still present in Guatemala. Chuck shoes, Justin Beiber, phrases like ´what´s up dude?´and american Idol permeate the culture.

The condoms portion of my post took place last night over dinner. César, my host dad, and I were talking about whether there was caffinne in the tea I drink. He picked up the box but couldn´t read part of it because it was in English so he handed it to me. I read/translated it saying ´No hay perservativos adentro´. Thinking I had said, it doesn´t contain preservatives. As soon as I said it out loud I realized what I had said. Insteading of saying it didn{t contain preservatives, I said it didn´t contain condoms. (perservativos means condoms in spanish). Oops. big translation error! We laughed it off, but then had to explain to the rest of the students at the table why I was embarressed at my error. Learning languages wouldn´t be fun if it weren´t for cases like that :)


  1. That's a good one! About Bieber... do the boys there try to make their hair look like his? It used to be that my sixth graders had that gel duck bill shelf thing above their foreheads, but now it's all swept in front of their eyes and held with hair spray.
